Some Things are better of Untold

hi. I don't know where or how should I start this. ohh it feels like its been years since I updated my blog. a lot of things been happening around me.finally im schooling after a year of self declared holiday and im still working in timezone. wthell. been busy ever since I started school in ite collage east studying some nonsense course that I didn't even want it. new friends new environment.. Despite the shits ive gone through im still here staying stronger as ever. Muslih and I has finally decided to go on our separate ways after few week I started school.. was it something I did or was it something he said? things happen so fast yet I manage to overcome it. Though i said i never wanted to lose him again.. Things change and it can never stay the same anymore... I admit it was a devastated moment for me. just few more months to our 3rd year anniversary and you decided to call it off . im sorry for the reasons you left me but if you couldn't handle it then i respect your decision. Every breakups I always have the feeling that we would still find our way back together but its diff this time. I realize theres no point holding on to someone that doesn't belongs to you. ive never loved someone so deep before till I met him ive never learn the meaning of relationship, compromise, sacrifice , understanding, give and take until I met him. Well Muslih having you in my life was a lesson learned. You're the type of person which hard to pleased nonetheless ive tried my best saving our relationship even after all the hurts we've given each other, but then its trifling. No matter how acrimonious I would be im blithe that we've gone this far. And to those who is there for me when im going through such devastated moment, im glad youre still here. I never thought you could brighten up my day again..
With Love,