As days passed by, I ve been feeling lost. I feel like I've fallen to somewhere deep that I should be walking back to find my way out but I keep going in further that leads me to places that makes me feel I'm wrong. I'm lost. Never felt this way before. With this situation I don't think I can comite to any relationship. I just realize that I fall in love easily but I don't know how to take care of it. I blame myself for every childish step I made. maybe I've gone through a lot in the past that makes me can't comite to anyone and makes me feel that Ive wasted my teenage life which I'm left with a year plus till I'm 20 and my teenage life is over. Or maybe i just want to enjoy till I settle down. But that's just gonna ruin myself. I admit my mind is not matured yet. I don't know how to choose what's the best for me. There are so many attractive things out there that's testing my temptations. I want everything that caught my eyes.I used to be just innocent girl who's been surrounded by bad company but still know how to take care of myself..used to... But I'm glad there's some things I know what to avoid. Not trying to say they are bad but they are my friends that will be there when I needed them the most. And good still whatever mistake they did they never once influence me.Hmm. Fuck lets stop this nonsense shit. I'm out of words and I don't know how to end this compo. Bye la.