morning breakfast
hahaha! whaat the hell.

hahaha! whaat the hell.
ATIKAHsoyalmok-AMIRApendek-AMIRAHvigs... plan to eat breakfast at TAMPmart so we didnt sleep.. around 7am.. meet at MACDONAL.... AMIRA and ME mcm biaserr jgkk taak mandi. hehehe.. ATIKAH je daah mandi... duhh. I call MOLLY to come down too.. cause i know cmfrm one at this time she's awake.. hah. but she didnt come down.. why? LAZY! duhhh!!! hahaah.. eat this n that.. blaa blaa.. LAUGHED here and there.. make noise beh kene maraah. HAHA! procced to MINIMART there near ACAP house.and i was like ''ehh AMIRA! ingat tempat ni.. time raye aku first time meet aril then nak gy uma ACAP haha-.-' '' said that tu mira and she goes '' ohhh. nga lagu BODY LANGUAGE and I GOTTA FEELING.. haiyaaa. haha. beh APAN pey irritating dekat2 nga aku! hahaha die da laa *** ** '' beh sumerr ketaawee. cute siaaa. ahaha. gy MINIMART buy SWEET! weee!. HAHAH! ok cut it.. passby P.O.D and there was no one cause still early. so gy CASTLEplayground SLACK kat sane..maen catching mcm bdk kecik siaa kiter.. huhu! bully2 each other..AMIRA and ATIKAH go use my phone msg aril ''da brape bnyk lobang kau da shoot?'' aril reply ''bnyk'' walaaoo.. lagi ley layaan kan .. bodoh nah. beh i say ''eh..yg krg msg tu tak kene untk aril luh.. sepatut nyer untk yan doh!'' HAHAHA.kayy... so LAME! until 12.30 ALIreza msg me.. ask to accompany him to POLYCLINIC so cepat kiter chow.. sumer balek MY HOUSE then daa siaap sumer at last tak jadi! waah piaaang! teros AMIRA and ME baring2 amek gambar merepek repek siaak. duhh at last tertdo bangoon je i was like ''EH AMIRAA MANER?!'' my brother say daa jaaln daa i was like duhhh. whaat the hell?! okaaaaaaaaaaaaay. byeeeeeeeeeeeee...enjoyed the lots and lots and lots picts of us! especiaally ME and AMIRA funny,ugly,idiotics faces! HAHAH.. KEKEK and we had fun i tell you!
