Birthday Boy
sorry kalau datang malam malam.
My plan finally works out really well thanks for all the support to those who plan with me.. cheey. support or what. hahaha. Was out with NAZ,QAMA,NADIAH for airport bugerking since RINA nd AMELIANI is working there so yaa. MAKAN FREE. hhaha. And after that wenmt down to tamp for bby;'s cake. thanks NAZ for helping alot in designing the cake.i owe her. ok thats what she said-.-' HAH.
ok seriously lazy to elaborate. pictures will be upload soon.
I went to BaBy's house with SYAHRIN,AMIRA,HAKIM,and his brother was there too.
and his mom ask to sleep his house. yea i slept with mama muslih. haha. she's cute when she started to feel stress about muslih keep wanting to go out. HAHAHA.. and KAK Im was very kind. ok so im still at his house. ok nanti cite lagi. NAK MANDI daa kene marah ni nga BDAY BOY-.-'tkpe, nak tdo balek.heh. iloveyou.
