KL PICTURES! i had l**s fun
Guys the pictures are here! not all but i think i had enough WAITING for more. hahahaha. will just add if there's new PHOTO okaay.
I LOVE MY Kuala Lumpur TRIP
im speechless. lol. Woke up at FIVE..huhu.. DADDY sent to school since im lazy cause im crying a heavy bag so as the others. huhu..and everyones ready .. so at 7 plus we get out of SCHOOL!! .. DEEVINA was late-.-' so it delay us.. until 7 20am i guess?.. okk/We had a long journey..very long one.. hah. i had fun sleeping inside the bus for long.hahaha. Firsday i was not really in the mood due to my swollen eye.. it hurts alot. i cried.. two times. its not bcause of my swollen eye actualy.. i had my own reasons. SHUHADAH and AMY was like there? and ZULkanain was the sweetes..:( he wipe of my tears.. AMY.. i was crying on his shoulder.. sory.. his shirt was kinda wet with my tears..srryyy. for SHUHADA she was comforting me.. thaanks!
We had our lunch at a nice place.. our very first lunch.. it was sever very well :))) afterthat went to ? i dunno where? but really i had no MOOD. i was almost dying. hahaha.and went for dinner at...hmmm.not sure.. but i didnt eat.. like i said.. was not in the MOOD! erggg. my eyes are killing me u know.. afterthat CHECK IN CONCORED hotel.. the hotel was.. SUPERB! wooohooo. hahaha. and we went to shopping ate the nearest shopping center. there was nothing-.-' so bought some food,snacks.. and me and my ROOMATES order PIZZA.. weehee. hahaha.okok enough.. wait! first night was fun.. HAHA.we go meet the boys.. but end up going back at our own room... prank peoples room.. call their room num. hhhahaha!!!!
MDM SHARUL came in our room in the middle of the night.. and she scold "why are you all not sleeping!its almost 3 am" and she say "bilik mcm kandang babi" HHAH. she say our room was like pig's place. lol
it was funny when ROSHAN said "maksaleh mabok pon nk join kite kat hotel ni" HAHAHAH.
Our very first lunch.. i was the only girl. and i serve all of them RICE! hahah.
and they call me maid.. asshole !
We had our hiking and this time it was not tiring one! lucyly.. we're suppose to do another one but we had not enough time. lucky lucky lucky! hahah.i admit the boys are very very gentlement during the hiking.. helping the girls. hahaha. ZAT and ADRI piggyback me. lol. thanks:) ahha.and we visit the orphanage.. walaao scary and saddening..:( many cried we felt really sorry for them... ok i dont wish to elaborate about this. had our first breakfast at the hotel.. weehee. haha. ok ok cut this!

wow! nice shot! im INLOVE with this picture. look the way i look at the cam. hahaha.
canopy walk was scary and FUN. hoho.
and again.. i was impresed..the boys was gentlement.:)

nice BUTToks i have. LOL.. hahaha
HAFEEZ was like ''here i come! to help''
SHUHADA was cying bcause theres something on the leg.. but there was nothing-.-'?
hahha. cute rite shee..
this was so overreacting. hah
wow.. TERENCE look confident. haha. action only ahh!
check2 inside the heart scared. haha.
IKAN: sini meh adah. AHAHA
ADRI: eh wait my hair! haha.
ZUL" what a tiring day.. *yawn v big* AHAHA
SHOLandROSHAN and their sexy post tk abes2,haha
They and Their sign! hhaha
look at me! haha i was like ''terence! wait laah!'' hahaa
WAAH.. everybody is helping ADAH..
ZUHAIZAT was like ''kk..u step there..''
step alrdy..
and ADAH was like ''cannot!! =((''
ZUHAIZAT was like pointing there. hahaha.
why must their parents abondone them just like that... haizz. they have a heart and they are human beings too. its just that they are special and diffrent.. hope the people there treat them well.. cause SHOLIHIN did a great job to one of this kids.. we are suppose to entertain them.. make then lauged and SHOLIHIN did it. good job shol! haha.
thisone!! HE's the one. hahaha. look.. well this picture cant really tell the whole storyy.. but try to get it. bye.
''baa,baaa,baa'' *sheep sound* HAHA.
what the hell man CLIVE-.-.. this kid must be kidding yaw. she's gone to the wrong person!! ohhmyy.whatever.bye.
look at ADRI and CLIVE. hahaha!!!!!!
i cant stop laughing.ok enough
look at JIA WEI! hahahah! and
blabla black sheep!
'' baaa,baa,baa'' HAHAHA.
ME: why the hell is he doing behind me.
hahah. he was poking me sia!
and visit the fireflies. its preety u know.
like christmast TREE.
this is the place we had dinner..
the place is kinda unhygienic. something crawl over AQHILA's leg.
AHAHAHA! it it freaks me out. DEEVINA and ME had no appitied to eat after that. lol
ME: why do you take this for .haha
TERENCE: for funn. its ikan. lol.for ikan to see. hahah.
our convo is something like that? hahaha.
omg.. my face!haha. ignore it.
RODHAN and his 'close eye' pose. haha
with ikan
with ikan
Last day was... FUN! haha.yet saddening.. cause it was the last day. i dont feel like going home.and it was the last day we spent time with MS FU.. she's not teaching at SIGLAP anymore..:( i really dont want her to go to other school:( haiyaaa. ok cut the topic. We had our breakfast and lunch. and shopping at the most stupit place-.-' there was nothing! urgg.i bought Body Shop perfume only..and thats it.what a pathetic.. but i was thankful laah. our job was eat,wakeup,sleep.. eat,wakeup,sleep int the bus..like a FAT person. hahah
makan,bangon,tdo..makan,bangon,tdo. Went to this PINK MOSQUE.. it was very big and pretty. the girls must use this so called Panguine..? haha. it waslike PINK dress.. look at the picture below..
. hahaha.. we reach school v late.. around 9pm plus.. yeah. DADDY pick me up..And HOME SWEET HOME! hug my KITTENS! hahaha. ok bye.im not in the mood now.

we look very very cute.hehehe.
our very last lunch and goodbye m'sia:((((
im LAUGING MY ASS OUT siaoow! haha.
look the way WEIBIN look at HONGLIANG. hahaha!!!
they are loving in. AHHAAHH.
hahaha. ME: haiyoo adah so slow. come lah i do. HAHAHA
lastly.. i had fun laughing with ADAH and siting with her! hahaha
the part when she told me about AMY and SHOL i can forget it.. damn funny.
AMY ''mary nye bapak ader lima anak'' still havent finish talking and shol say..
SHOL ''ohhh ader 5 anak''
HAHAAH. dont get it rite? hahah u must know the story.then u;ll know
AFTER the KL trip was
''yess ahh!! woohooo HAZEL last! wohoo.''
with my loud claps. hahaha. MS FU lauged too. lol.
HAZELdidnt won but she put an effort to it.. hahaha.
