BLACK- funeral
Went to SUNTEC CITY to meet our BOSS. hahaha. VINCENT KUA. ME and ATIKAH had some work to do. We was give a book that was regarding to CANCER thingy each book 50 pages and we are suppose to go around suntec and ask them to do this survey.Firstly it was very paisey.. afterall we use to it.. " excuse me are you free to do a survey for me it takes only less then a min " hahahaha. rejected alot of times. ass! haha.But then ATIKAH and ME didnt do it well.. we still have alot to finish. but all we do is WINDOW SHOPPING~ hhahah. i want to but BELT! GUESS! $69 i want it badly but must wait for my salary! urgg.. walk to MARINA SQUARE and blablabla. ahahaha.Break-fast was suppose to be at MARINA SQUARE-SECRET RECIPE but PEKJAL and AMIRa call us to go break-fast with them at SIMPANG BEDOK.ass! i was craving to eat there. but nvm.something happen. but it was fine.Everyone was full and was having such a great fun laughing 33 times. HHAHA. you know i know.ATIKAH decide to go karaoke since it was saturday and its time to have fun~! so we did. Call up HAKIM and ZAKI and everyone was waearing BLACK. hahahaha. da mcm nak gy chine mampos sak. hahaha. PEKJAL and AMIRa very sweet lah. err, menyampah. hhaha ZAKI and ATIKAH another one-.- left me and HAKIM. we was talking cock all the time and disturbing them couples.Take alot of pictures. funny part HAKIM,ZAKI,and PEKJAL wear the nude lipstic.. HAHAHHA. da mcm org saket. ZAKI even worse. drug addict. lol. hahaha.then something happen again at night. HAKIM and ME went home first and i talk alot with him. yea shareshare story. gossips. hahahahaahah.HAKIM~if they "$#%^545" we still have us to entertain each other hor. hahahaha. HAKIM is fun to TALK COCK with. ieenhjewifkndklbj t0394 6885u2339589y5u4ejgivm&*(%^#$&&*EGTFNYVDDFBGTGhgjbndim983t
MALAS AKU NK CITE. Lastly onthephone with bby.
From Me with atikah became me atikah,amir and pekjal soon hakim and lastly zaki (=

MALAS AKU NK CITE. Lastly onthephone with bby.
alot of picture to upload.
*crying* :( ahhh! aahaha
From Me with atikah became me atikah,amir and pekjal soon hakim and lastly zaki (=
i make the boys use NUDE LIPSTIC.
hahahahahahha!!!!. LOOKS like drug-addict.