Tomorrow, ENDofYEAR exams
me need to work hard. haha. Yesterday was.. speechless. went to NINI's chalet its was her sister's bday.. IFFA and SHAWAL is back together. im happy for them. lastlong guys. and mummy let me sleptover. that was weird. well thanks mum for ur understandings.I was supper late, same goes to AMIRa and PEKJAL.Something really piss me and bby off.. theey.... urgg. hahah, its okay you know i know b.heh..DEEDEE was very cute. hahaha. ok i've said that alot of times, DEEDEE be our photographer,BBYandME was like the model of the day. standing at the beach all those stuff. i just find it sweet, hahha, lol. lastly everyone went to slacked at NINI's chalet, left ME,PEKJAL,AMIRa and BBY in the tent. around 3 or 4 in the morning it rained. we ignore at first due too. HAHAHA.. but the rain became heavy. something disaster happen... it was like 'air ballon' game. seriously. the day i could never forget. the tent squash us, and we was standing struggling to make it right but we failed hahaha. .. suddenly PEKJAL and ME felt something, or someone pulled the tent so hard. we was expecting TED or SHAWAL or whoever came to help us but neh, some indian boys the one who help us. thank god. ME and AMIRa ran out of the tent and go to the nearest shelter that is just behind us, and the boys handle everything. The wind.. push them. and they was like flying with the tent. hahahahahahah. but boys, welldone. haha. we was shivering in the rain under that useless shelter! luckly bby was there to cmfort me and Pekjal was there to comfort Amira.,i didnt say a thing cause i was speechless and never thought something like this could happen and i was really shivering.and bby was like keep asking me im okay or not. he hug me all the way. untill the rain cool down.and it took 1 hour plus for the rain and the wind to stop. thaanks bby.iloveyousomuch. you really show you care about just very touched by whatever happens yesterday .the tent was.....
&^%$^#$%@# i dunno what happen. pity the tent. haha.
afterall everyone is alright... im in love with my boyfriend more and more each day. =(


P.S : the way you kiss me in the rain makes me love you even more...