Didnt go to school w ADRI or ESHA cause ADRI ... ermmm. ok forget it. :"( for ESHA.. sry i woke up late.heheh.Todaay was nothing?Get to take picture!~ wee. ahhaha. FARHAN all was taking picture. hahah.
Otw to school msg PEKJAL tell him something. :( haizzz. thaanks for cheering me up PEKJAL. yaa. the most thing i can do is nothing..i told him that [insertname] change.i feel like a dog because ....... so might as well i let him be.how far he can go.i dont want to care much as its just a small matter.
but i feel unappreaciated.
to that [insertname] just do whatever u want whenever u want.
i dont care about u anymore. will just act normal infront of u.
ZUHAIZAT was so kind nowdays. good good.. atlasst man. was praying for him to be like him! hahah.
RUSYAIDI,SHOHLIHIN,ZUL and more was also late w me. ahah. lucky no detention cause its like a bunch of our schoolmates was late... hahaha, funny siaa. so manyy..
After school didnt go back w ADRI cause.. errmmm. ok forget it lah! bye.then go home siap2 go meet.ok bye.I feel like i have no mood for school tmrw cause.
errrmm ok seriously forget it mirah! bye.
and that guest there who tag my tagboard. wwaalaao. tkmo buat cite aah! i swear i kill you.
dont purposely make me and ann go apart laarh. fuck... not true
ZUHAIZAT sex partner two :)
IRFAAN and RUSYAIDI sex partner three