Went dating with AMIRa.. NYAYAYAYA. Plan to watch cinema..So meet her at her house. blabla. Headed to Century Square.. actually we wanted to watch 'CLASH OF THE TITANS 3D' but the time is midnight one..So watch DATE NIGHT go for 7.20pm..Go for lunch/dinner at FOOD CULTURE. yeaaah,talk,gossip,laughed like hell hahah... The story was fun part ' ZIP UR VAGINA' haha.first i dont understand but finally understands it. same goes to AMIRa.. HA HA. Meet IRAHcigga and i went down EHUB to meet FAZIRtitis,RINA,NABILAH and NADIAH:)))) but the twins went home fast :( So left three of us.Eat MAC thaanks RINAlove for treating me :))ly! took picts and thres lot of me trying to kiss FAZIRtitis heheh.and She is trying to slap my face. nahahah! we went home around 11 plus meet NAILAKS and sleep her house.and now im at NAILAKS house..its 3PM and we still haven't bath. yay. OK bye.