im back :)
i cried the whole of today in school. ok not really the whole laah-.-' but.. i cry when i was otw to school and only ADILLA knows that.. cause i go to school w her everyday..w/o fail. and thanks for the advise LALA :)) and i cried agaain in class. :'(
I didnt really talk much to anyone on class.. i ignore ILLYANA and all. At last i find it useless.Deep inside i actually miss being happy w my SIGLAPians frens.But i lied that i dont care about them cause im so emmbarrase to face the school and my friends..Almost everyone knows about me and clive did..
Just noww Came to school with moody face.. and MISS FIONAH talk to me during P.E lesson.. i cant really remmember what she told but i catch some. ok many i guess?
"Amirah.. Dont come to school with that SLENGER MOODY look amirah.. u are not like this.Dont tell me you and CLIVE are in relationship? come on.. CLIVE?! haha. how can u be inlove w that kind of guy.. and on tue's onwards i want to see the amirah i use to know.. the amirah who is cheerful and like to talk talk until i ask to stop also still keep talking.. the noisy amirah.. i want to see that tommorow.. Dont let CLIVE ruined ur whole life.Life has to move on amirah.. If u continue like this thaat whats the point? when CLIVE is happy u're not.. and bla bla blaa."
There's many more.. but i dunno how to put it in words.. i feel like crying but i went to P.E aspernormal.. After recces i dunno how? but i cried continuesly.. AQILAH went to ask me why i ignore ILLYANA and others.. and she told me that ILLY cried cause i ignore her so meantly..I felt awfull after hearing that..So went to look for ILLY. ran and HUGGED her.. and there my tears start rolling down. The moment i hug her i feel the warmth in her that touched my heart and make me cry continuesly.. i treat her like my own sister.. i felt really hurt for hurting her actually. and RINA,FAZIRAH,ADAH.AQILAH all! everyone crowded around me.. it make me cried even more cause i realise everyone is caring about me and i can feel the love from them.. i hug RINA and i cry,hug FAZIRAH and i cry.. i hug everone and say sorry and at the same time i cried... The girls bring me to the toilet.. IKAN,NAZ,ADAH.RINA,FAZIRAH,ILLY was there.. i keep crying while saying sorry many times to them.. and hugged them too at the same time.. i was just soo saaad. Then i went back to class..go to most of my friends table and said sorry... First TERENCE then HAFEEZ,AMY,AQILAH,ZUL,FAZILLAH,ANN,and manyy more.i said sorry because i wrote my siglapians LOSERS at my facebook..i felt guilty cause they are trying so so hard to cheer me up and everyone keep saying
"where's the OLD amirah we use to know.."
all the way i was like cant stop cryinngg. i keep thinking why because of CLIVE.. i ignore my friends in school feeling embbarrase.. why should CLIVE be the reason.. why must CLIVE do this to mee.. JEA JUN came to ask me whyy im crying all.. and JIA WIE said im irritating cause i cant stop crying and i cried so loud.. i was like whining.. the only thing i keep saying is
"i feel embbarrase..why must CLIVE do this to mee"
i felt embbarrase not because the slapping thing.. about something else that got to do with me n i said.. almost eveyone knows about the ''something'' :'(
and JEA JUN keep asking what CLIVE have done but i just shkae my head..TERENCE said "u cant do anything anymore amirah" something like that i think..and makes me cry even more..
Everyone is there to cheer me upp. JUN WIE.. WEI BIN keep saying dont cry.. but i still keep crying..i was so touched by everyone.Anyway after so long i've stop crying.. its useless to cry for what that cannot be undone..
Thaanks for cheering me up! i love you guys alot. will try not to cry anymore ever. trying my best to put a smile everyday and will not cry anymore.. but somehow i still need time to get over it.. :'(