Study trip + AJIT
Sorry for not updating my blog for quite long time. the reason why is i purposely. huaahuaahuaa.!
I miss blogging and so there are too many pictures to upload. but will be uploading for today's event.
School was.. nothing. haiyoo.First thing that catch my attention during morning assembly is when they annouce that SIGLAP having a soccer match with QWEENSWAY.haha. quickly msg AJIT wheather he support or not but he say not sure..i really want to go and support. hahaah purposely.. heheh. u know i know. ok. what everBut i didnt go down to support them.. haiz.
Went to study trip with TERENCE and gang.. everyone was chinese accept for me and ILLY.. nvm.. they are all friendly chinese..:) i loike.. I meet TERENCE at tamp inter first then went to whitesand to meet ILLY..
before i even step out of my house i kinda have some feeling that we will bump into CLIVE.. and it really whitesands there.
I was shocked. my heart went pumping so fast.
TERENCE :*was like pulling me* ''omg clive! there! go amirah! go in now!''
ME: ''huh? ahh! where?! *turn around* omg! '' feeling like crying alrdy..
ILLY bring me to the toilet but i stop half way.. and turn around.
saw him talking to TERENCE and blablabla.. i dunno if he saw mw but suspect that he saw me? ok cut the story. i had enough man. why must he appear..! =((((
Went to airport meet DESSERE,BRYAN, and more. study study.. then TERENCE show CLIVE's girl friend.. it was his DOG! -.-' LEXY.. yaa. he bring his laptop. and we keep checking.. browsing.. viewing ppls facebook. HAHAH. funny sia... ILLY was laughing like crazy cause of TERENCE jokes all. same as me.. and wee keep saying ''GOOD LEXY'' cause it equals to ''GOOD DOG'' hahahaah!! okok. shuh!
6plus i went off.. AJIT and me make plans to meet uo! weeeeeeeeeee~! And i was late agaain! srryy banyaak2 yerr.:) AJIT was with PEARL.. his new girlfren. awww. so sweet sia. keep kissing here and there infront of me-.-' lauged alot too. and i miss AJIT! and atlast we meet up.. meet at LAVENDAR and went for dinner at GoldenMile.And and and lastly.. went to BEDOK for lastmin tution w kak. waah tiring u know!
AJIT and I talk aloot. yeaah.was talking about the good memories.. the time when im with ARIL and YAN and HAIQAH.. and ATIKAH all we spoke about. i really miss those time. AJIT suddenly ask to patch up with ARIL back.. WTF siaa! CRAAZY or whaat. then he keep asking laah. what if ARIL msg me i reply or not.. then i say if he msg just reply je ah.. if tak then buatbodoh. stupid question liaao...and okaay. BYE!
LEXY! hahaha.
[before the decoration]
cannot see so i make it
AFTER te decoration. hahaha.!
attractive and colourfull enough for u too see? bahahaha.
AMIRAHand AMIRSHARILAMIRUL.[my new bf.. made by ajit and me.]hahaha..
P.S its my imaginery bf.shh.
P.S its my imaginery bf.shh.