Went to my favorite restaraunt and that is ..... BBQ CHICKEN! weeeeeee~
hahahaha. First the plan was going smoothly but .. end up bad and atlast it was going okaay.:)
The ones who eat was only ME,MIRA,NAZ,RINA,ILLYANA, and FHIR -.-' the rest didnt follow because dont want. and i know DANIAL's reason why! muahaha :( i kinda mad that time as our plan didnt work out since many of it didnt follow.. urgg. but some join us after eating.. DANIAL,ANN,IZHAR,AMY,SHOHLIHIN,ZULFEAQAR,AQILAH and FAZILLAH join us..and AQILAH's group done their malay Performance Task! ohh noooooo! My group with ADRI all still not done a single thing cause they 50-50 want to do. WTF man them! just do laa! i want points sia! fook them.
i dont care! pleassee! HALMIE and HAZEL je ley harap sey.. :( ADRI and SYAIDI mcm ape! urggg.
ok back to the story. We slack at EHUB. all. took picts. had fun playing cards with ILLY,AMIRa, and FHIR.. somesort of dunno what game but AMIRa teach us.. since she play w ZUL AMERUL all...
haha. DANand IZHAR went home fast :( im sad. haha. but go on w the plans.And then left RINA,ME,ANN,AMIRa,ILLY,FHIR,NAZ and AMY.. we went saperate ways..ILLY,FHIR,AMIRa and ME went to eat ICE CREAM at mac TAMP MART.-.-' stakat kaan! but at last tk mkn, stakat bbl bbl.. until 11 plus we went home... weeeeeee~!. bye lazy to elaborate.