TODAY's activity was SLEEPING for me! weeeeeeeeee~
dunno why today everyone sleep.! Its raining in the morning and good to sleep.But during maths everyone was sleeping. as in seriously! Maths was 3 period-1hr30min and i slept for 1hr15min. waalaao.Cant belive. my neck hurts. D&T lesson i dont have ruler. So look around spot ruler but it's ANNs one.So i ask SHOLIHIN and AMI for ruler the dont have.I die die want ruler sia that time so luckly ROSHAN sit beside me..So i whisper to him "eh ask ann for ruler but say it you who want it okay.. dont say i want"
then He ask. heheh. got the ruler so quickly use! Then ROSHAN go change place i sit alone and the ruler was in my hand! WTF. panic!! paiseey! HAAH. so i look at ROSHAN and keep asking him to sit back with me then he ignore. waah baek sey-.-' haha.Da gitu i had no choice then i say "ehh whose ruler is this?sholihin urs eh?" then quickly put at SHOLIHIN's table. hahaha! but daa mcm obviouse ANN know.SHOLIHIN and AMI ask me "why u never ask urself! u and ann break alrdy?" then i was like "hmmm dunno yaaa."
5min to recces i was siting on the table. and it was CLIVE table. CLIVE was talking to me trying to argue w me but i ignore. i act as if he's invisable His table so what? to me CLIVE doesnt exist in my life.. Eh CLIVE! we are strangers right? i dunno u,u dunno me. so act like one.Deep inside i dont wish to do this but u make me.u treat me like someone u dunno just TOUCHandGO like that.and come again TOUCHandGO i had enough. told u before. stop talking nonsens to FAZIRAH okay.
So i only talk to JIA WEI.. not talk. i argue. I stare him then he himself look at me for what.then what to argue.Then do stupit things at AMIRUN then want to mad. USELESS! STUPIT sia.
ZUHAIZAT cancle tonight;s plan!ohh my! because i sit the same chair with TERENCE then he say "busterd!" HAHA. ok i know it was just a joke. playing around.Then i msg ZUHAIZAT but he didnt reply! WTF! hahaha.
im uploading yasterday's picture
Was having fun with my borther and 5a's call and i come down
Was having fun with my borther and 5a's call and i come down
-Slack with AMIRa and ATIKAHhamdan only and IRAH
story about NURIN our primary school friend she is in COMA! OMG! shocking sia. news spread so fast.
Her mom didnt let her go out but she die die want to go out so she tie so many blanket cause she is going down using it throught the windows.. waalaaoo. We all da mcm ''dik ni banyak tgk tv pe sia buat gitu. ahah''
using the blanket? haha! she think whaat! HINDUSTAN kape. BOLYWOOD kape?
So around 5 plus NAZ call me cause she wanna slack at DOWNTOWN with RINA,DZUL and ANN.
Then i was like ANN?! but i come down.Slack with them but didnt even talk to ANN : (. Look at eachother also like nooo? He start smoking back-.-' ohh fuck.. i hate it the most. RINA and NAZ told me somthing about himm. ok cut this!
since my phoen was spare phoen use brother new phone to take picture.So no t nice the effects-.-' 2.0 mah!
-AT 332-
i act as if i smoke.! AHAH. cutee kaan. chey siak.
we were looking at this video. WTH! stupid sia the girl.
STUPIDEST GIRL I EVER SEEN! hoho.only The one who saw is only know who.

Slacking with SIGLAPIANS and DZUL
we ask stupit question and i lauged until i waste ICE PEACH TEA.hoh
look how far i and ANN stand :(