SINCE i get MY LAPPY BACK i miss webcaming! hoho. soo been webcaming for many times!
i miss my LOVE! AMIRa. haha. lol. look at my cuutee kittens! huhu! choow!
ignore my conversation with zuhaizat. ahaha!
hahaha. was bloghopping.
nice eye RUSYAIDI-.-'AHAH
now he is my sex partner three! woohooo.

was webcaming with them and they send me this photo.
WOW!nice one zat!hahaha. its my face, ahahah.
All your words were lies. they were all lies.:(.u said u will come find me. but now.. no sign of you.. What to be scared of? are u scared? neeh id ont think so.u just a typical guy. urgg! lied. luckly i was not that stupid to listen to you about it.yes i was about tooo.. but lucky i didnt. i regret. ATIKAH msg you rite? but did u reply? did u bother to read? neeh. i bet u dont care.and lucky im not into you. kalau aku sangkut kat kau merane lah aku. but no. thanked god.hope SEPTEMBER later when u're out.. will bump imto you and make u explain. yeaah.hope so. wish u succes in life with ur attitude like that... still have not forgive you cause it takes time. lastly.takecare.thanks for everything aiye. *crying loudly* i dont expect you or want you to come back but i just need ur explanation why.see you soon boy.