i meet MOLLY just now!
SCHOOLING was tiring for me today cause yesterday sleep at 4 AM! haiz.. i've been sleeping almost every lesson and IKAN was there and keeps asking me to wake up.. IKANboyhot! im sorry im too tired, i know ive not been concentrating in class. but will try hard to study! and revise! huhu. and didnt play P.E hehe. told MRS KHUI i got headache.that is actually not.im just too tired.. and CLIVE face was.. hmmm. errr. he had fight last friday. TSKTSK. His eyes was awful if u look closely.bruise on the face. errr.
And HALMIE was irritating.Seriously this time i really hate him! what the hell! he treat me like a GUY! stupid sex partner! He disturb me as if im a guy! so so ''GANAS'' err. When part HERNI.. he was so damn soft! DAMN SOFT you know!! thanks eh HALMIE.! duhh. fuck him!I hate it especially when he disturb my hair. kalau stakat gitu2 tak pasal uh. nie kiwaaak. saket sia HALMIE! cb kau uh.go die ok! DIE! urgg. AND thanks LOVE for not telling me ur not going to school-.-'.. why? because tak nak kene caught rambot-.-' pathetic reason.hah.
AND SORRY to ILLY,FHIR all. i went home fast without telling you guys.. i was rushing on something.. and that is SLEEPING! hehehe. damn tired. trust me. u guys will understands if ur in my situation. hah.
DEEVINA is MY bestgirls! i admire her attitude. HAHA. she dont care if we call her names as in we use to call her ''deevina BABATI.. paria dog! black mama,tamil tigers. all.haha. i dont really call her that cause i kinda respect her. ahah.but she's irritating! with her singing all everytime! haah. and LOVE was her partner and he said she is irritaiting.hoho.

And HALMIE was irritating.Seriously this time i really hate him! what the hell! he treat me like a GUY! stupid sex partner! He disturb me as if im a guy! so so ''GANAS'' err. When part HERNI.. he was so damn soft! DAMN SOFT you know!! thanks eh HALMIE.! duhh. fuck him!I hate it especially when he disturb my hair. kalau stakat gitu2 tak pasal uh. nie kiwaaak. saket sia HALMIE! cb kau uh.go die ok! DIE! urgg. AND thanks LOVE for not telling me ur not going to school-.-'.. why? because tak nak kene caught rambot-.-' pathetic reason.hah.
AND SORRY to ILLY,FHIR all. i went home fast without telling you guys.. i was rushing on something.. and that is SLEEPING! hehehe. damn tired. trust me. u guys will understands if ur in my situation. hah.
DEEVINA is MY bestgirls! i admire her attitude. HAHA. she dont care if we call her names as in we use to call her ''deevina BABATI.. paria dog! black mama,tamil tigers. all.haha. i dont really call her that cause i kinda respect her. ahah.but she's irritating! with her singing all everytime! haah. and LOVE was her partner and he said she is irritaiting.hoho.
CUTE candid!thanks to AMIRAH! woo.god pose guys.hehehe
ZUL is showing *thumbs up* haah
After wake up from a good/nice AFTERNOON NAP withour any disubens cause i put my phone as silent mode.hehe. I went to meet MOLLY! ouuhh. she MISS mE! wow! HAAH.
So we really talk alot.seriously. we story alot. amd its only between us. and drink OREO MILO! hahah.She is now acddicted to OREO MILO cause of me! hehe. and She got a new maid! urggg. i want her old maid.. *sobsob* i miss BIBIK RATNA WATI hmmmm.
here's the PICTS.