KAY GUYS! im back! hoho~
So i've fufil's ZUL,ILLY and FHIR's wish! haah. They want to go karaoke so we plan.Since they've fufil my wish that was eating at BBQ CHICKEN so i fufil theirs.on SUN and MON didnt go out cause lazy so no post but yesterday was fun~!
I recommend them to go GRANDLINK but ILLY recommend better place. at bedok inter. so headed to BEDOK INTER there.i was super LATE! and im sorry! hehe.Went together with BBY and meet the others there. ILLY and ME plan to where dress. so we did. Im so lazy to elaborate. The place was much much much better then GRANDLINK seriously.haha. KARAOKE for 3 HOURS and cost $68.. so each was suppose to pay $12... ILLY and ME really wanted to sing korea songs but we only sing NOBODY cause the lyrics cant understand since it was written in korean language that cant be read-.-' lerr. da semangat sak nak nyanyi.check2 kiter tau ''shiro shiro'' je. AHHAAH! FHIR and ME sing like fucking hell. cause we shout3 and case tk tau malu nyer org.haha.and like i said.. i went to karaoke must sing lagu ''ARIq'' haah. die die must one hor. We ended at 6.30PM we want to explore to town so headed so ORCHARD.. and walk around ION and i went to the ZARA shop.. waahpiang. EXPENSIVE DOH..
and went to RIVER ISLAND. also EXPENSIVE but the shirt all fucking preety!.im collecting money right now! huhu. during MARCH going town again with ILLY maybe to go... SHOPPING~! the guys who want to follow then tag along! i want to go FOREVER 21 .. but everyone want to go home. so went to BANQUET at SIMEI first to eat and went home.
bad hair day! look! my hair makes the picture spoil-.-'
it takes me 3days to upload this fucking post~! urggggggg. the videos upload at youtube was fucking slow plus somemore im using this slow comp and its lagging! and soo many pictures! argggggggggg~!!!!!!!1
I WANT MY LAPPY BACK~!! i hate daddy!
scroll below.. none of us have nice voice so who cares!!

So i've fufil's ZUL,ILLY and FHIR's wish! haah. They want to go karaoke so we plan.Since they've fufil my wish that was eating at BBQ CHICKEN so i fufil theirs.on SUN and MON didnt go out cause lazy so no post but yesterday was fun~!
I recommend them to go GRANDLINK but ILLY recommend better place. at bedok inter. so headed to BEDOK INTER there.i was super LATE! and im sorry! hehe.Went together with BBY and meet the others there. ILLY and ME plan to where dress. so we did. Im so lazy to elaborate. The place was much much much better then GRANDLINK seriously.haha. KARAOKE for 3 HOURS and cost $68.. so each was suppose to pay $12... ILLY and ME really wanted to sing korea songs but we only sing NOBODY cause the lyrics cant understand since it was written in korean language that cant be read-.-' lerr. da semangat sak nak nyanyi.check2 kiter tau ''shiro shiro'' je. AHHAAH! FHIR and ME sing like fucking hell. cause we shout3 and case tk tau malu nyer org.haha.and like i said.. i went to karaoke must sing lagu ''ARIq'' haah. die die must one hor. We ended at 6.30PM we want to explore to town so headed so ORCHARD.. and walk around ION and i went to the ZARA shop.. waahpiang. EXPENSIVE DOH..
and went to RIVER ISLAND. also EXPENSIVE but the shirt all fucking preety!.im collecting money right now! huhu. during MARCH going town again with ILLY maybe to go... SHOPPING~! the guys who want to follow then tag along! i want to go FOREVER 21 .. but everyone want to go home. so went to BANQUET at SIMEI first to eat and went home.
bad hair day! look! my hair makes the picture spoil-.-'
it takes me 3days to upload this fucking post~! urggggggg. the videos upload at youtube was fucking slow plus somemore im using this slow comp and its lagging! and soo many pictures! argggggggggg~!!!!!!!1
I WANT MY LAPPY BACK~!! i hate daddy!
scroll below.. none of us have nice voice so who cares!!
danial says in this picture im a ''BAR TENDER''

thres more picture with ME and BBY. but its with ILLY. will upload soon.
click the stop button at my playlist song there> and play this video below
enjoy. theres more actually but its with illy!