We Are The Future-
School was normal. and i did my HUMANITIES very well! weeee~ but for SCIENCE.. hmmm. maybe, huhu! at last free from stress cause no more comman test! Im so sad for DIVEENA and ZULKANAIN.. they broke up with the one they loved. and they cant move on. haizzz. why are guys and girls like.. urggg! ass!..During MOTHER TOUNGE time was fun. cause we did nothing but play games and CG KARMIN told lots of scary storie..haha.. ROSHAN was to be called ''AWEK BOGEL'' hahaah. nice name~
HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY TO my beloved SABBY!!
May u succed in life and i appreciate for be a very good listener to me.
i really love you! haha..you are my good listerner and good friend to turn up to when im down..
thanks for appearing in my life. i really need you. and be happy always
Will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow.
After school was the CHINESE NEW YEAR last day of decoration and preparing for the MASCOT and we're choosing DIVEENA and SHOLIHIN to be the couples TIGERS on MASCOT. hahaha! lol. they're going to dance! there's some video of DEEVINA and SHOLIHIN... but alot more to DIVEENA.. hahaha. her sexy moves all and the seductive face of her really make my day.There's quite alot of our classmates stayback for the last day decoration.but most of it were malay-.-' only two chinese ppl stayingback-.-' yaah right.!-.-' haha. and that is LOVE,FAZIR-titis,SITI-toyol,AQILAH, ZULKANAIN,SHOLIHIN,
MRS FU was there too and MR AZAM too. I was order to paste some kind of chinese word and i do it alone. But luckyly there's TERENCE!hahaah.but still i do it all alone! urgg. first ask HAFEEZ to help but he help for like only 5 min and go to do other things then asl TERENCE to help. call call call him but he said wait. and i waited for him like an hour or more and go me and say ''i go disturb the sec one people sia.shiok sia'' i was like yaaah right.i was about to finish then he want to help-.-' haha. but then i kinda keep doing it slunted.. it was tiring sia. so i ask TERENCE to do all those! HAH! server him right. hehe. LOVE was all about dunno what the hell he is doing with the spray can and TERENCE still can join him. again i keep calling him for help! urgg.haha. at last we do it PERFECTLY order by ME! nad thanks to ME! all ME! heheh. ok not.thanks to TERENCE also! for helping me and running away and helping me again and running away again-.-' haha. DIVEENA was usual.. noisey! sing here and there. She told her problem all to teachers like drunk woman. She just say everything out.,ppl dont ask also she storie2 haah. she keep talking about guys and her love story. waah very saddening sia. but fun to hear. She cant move on. haizz. and so i interrup and say ''last time also i cannot move on.. like die die want the same guy.. ahahah'' FAZIR say '' kau ckp sal si ARIL tak gune tu aku tarik rambot kau!'' hehehe. ZUL also say ''kau nie aril aril aril.. sudah lah'' haah.i just rolled my eyes and say ''yerlaa.tu dulu kan''.then MR AZAM says ''dont believe with this type pf guys/girls all.just focus on studies..once a PLAYBOY is always a PLAYBOY.'' ahha.after doing the cleaning all... and everything it turned out very nice~ oooooo. I LOVE MY CLASS~ wow! ahahah. NICE JOB GUYS~ compare from other class.. i think.. hmmm. mmm. ermmm. MY CLASS IS BETTER! woohoo! HAHAHA. ok lol. end of story.

HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY TO my beloved SABBY!!
May u succed in life and i appreciate for be a very good listener to me.
i really love you! haha..you are my good listerner and good friend to turn up to when im down..
thanks for appearing in my life. i really need you. and be happy always
Will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow.
After school was the CHINESE NEW YEAR last day of decoration and preparing for the MASCOT and we're choosing DIVEENA and SHOLIHIN to be the couples TIGERS on MASCOT. hahaha! lol. they're going to dance! there's some video of DEEVINA and SHOLIHIN... but alot more to DIVEENA.. hahaha. her sexy moves all and the seductive face of her really make my day.There's quite alot of our classmates stayback for the last day decoration.but most of it were malay-.-' only two chinese ppl stayingback-.-' yaah right.!-.-' haha. and that is LOVE,FAZIR-titis,SITI-toyol,AQILAH, ZULKANAIN,SHOLIHIN,
MRS FU was there too and MR AZAM too. I was order to paste some kind of chinese word and i do it alone. But luckyly there's TERENCE!hahaah.but still i do it all alone! urgg. first ask HAFEEZ to help but he help for like only 5 min and go to do other things then asl TERENCE to help. call call call him but he said wait. and i waited for him like an hour or more and go me and say ''i go disturb the sec one people sia.shiok sia'' i was like yaaah right.i was about to finish then he want to help-.-' haha. but then i kinda keep doing it slunted.. it was tiring sia. so i ask TERENCE to do all those! HAH! server him right. hehe. LOVE was all about dunno what the hell he is doing with the spray can and TERENCE still can join him. again i keep calling him for help! urgg.haha. at last we do it PERFECTLY order by ME! nad thanks to ME! all ME! heheh. ok not.thanks to TERENCE also! for helping me and running away and helping me again and running away again-.-' haha. DIVEENA was usual.. noisey! sing here and there. She told her problem all to teachers like drunk woman. She just say everything out.,ppl dont ask also she storie2 haah. she keep talking about guys and her love story. waah very saddening sia. but fun to hear. She cant move on. haizz. and so i interrup and say ''last time also i cannot move on.. like die die want the same guy.. ahahah'' FAZIR say '' kau ckp sal si ARIL tak gune tu aku tarik rambot kau!'' hehehe. ZUL also say ''kau nie aril aril aril.. sudah lah'' haah.i just rolled my eyes and say ''yerlaa.tu dulu kan''.then MR AZAM says ''dont believe with this type pf guys/girls all.just focus on studies..once a PLAYBOY is always a PLAYBOY.'' ahha.after doing the cleaning all... and everything it turned out very nice~ oooooo. I LOVE MY CLASS~ wow! ahahah. NICE JOB GUYS~ compare from other class.. i think.. hmmm. mmm. ermmm. MY CLASS IS BETTER! woohoo! HAHAHA. ok lol. end of story.
Forget to mention.. IKAN was something wrong. haiyooo.it was her right hand somemore. harder for her to right,. GET WELL SOON my IKAN boyhot~!
videos of DIVEENA and SHOLIHIN dancing were all to be found below after the pictures.
MRS FU and her fake smile-.-' HAAH.
DIVEENA took photo of us and she say
''ann proposing to amirah'' i was like what got to do with green tea packet drink-.-' hahah..''
Thiss one was the funny part about LOVE. hehehe. he run! when DIVEENA dancing beside him purposely and she run after LOVE. hahaha

We went home together.. and took pictures. hahah. so
i reach home at 6 plus. late right? and take IQYN with me cause she dont have house key or even AMIRAzaidi.. duhh. kakak aper tah,haha. and so IQYN stay my house till 9 plus.. eat with her all and i sent her home and AMIRAzaidi still outside.what the hell.i was waiting for her!
nampak sangat SITI-toyol and FAZIR-titis JINKIT! haha!